Hello, 2ne1 minions!
We have a new forum set up just for you.
Join us and register because you won't be able to post or read the forum if you don't register.
Please READ THE RULES first because its important.
Guess what? this forum is unlike others cluttered with sub-categories and whatnot.
You wont get confused on where to go because there are only few categories for the members!
So, you want to vent out because you are annoyed with something or someone?
Having a bad or good day and you want to talk!?
Come join us then!
You are allowed to vent out, rant and rave in our forum!
Don't be scared no one knows you. :P
Bashing 2ne1 is the only thing that is prohibited.
There is a button that says 2ne1 evolution that redirects you to a website.
Please ignore that.
Thats going to be our new website. (yep, its in the works!)
Lastly, the layout is still being tweaked but the forum is good to go!
If you are having tech problems about the forum, leave a comment here.
START POSTING about anything! ;)
See you there!
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