[ADMIN] NEW FORUM!! come join and register!

by Seraphiel | 6:59 AM in |

Hear ye, hear ye!!!

Hello, 2ne1 minions!
We have a new forum set up just for you.
Join us and register because you won't be able to post or read the forum if you don't register.

Please READ THE RULES first because its important.
Guess what? this forum is unlike others cluttered with sub-categories and whatnot.
You wont get confused on where to go because there are only few categories for the members!

So, you want to vent out because you are annoyed with something or someone?
Having a bad or good day and you want to talk!?
Come join us then!
You are allowed to vent out, rant and rave in our forum!
Don't be scared no one knows you. :P
Bashing 2ne1 is the only thing that is prohibited.

There is a button that says 2ne1 evolution that redirects you to a website.
Please ignore that.
Thats going to be our new website. (yep, its in the works!)

Lastly, the layout is still being tweaked but the forum is good to go!
If you are having tech problems about the forum, leave a comment here.

START POSTING about anything! ;)

See you there!


  1. bRI-ttney on July 27, 2009 at 10:52 AM

    i don't mean to be a downer or anything, and i definitely don't want you guys to get the wrong idea about me because I'm a new co-author at this blog, but don't you think this is a bad idea? i understand that people that don't like other bands will have a place to vent and such, but if there are people on a 2NE1 based forum, bashing OTHER bands, what do you think other bands fans will start to think of 2NE1 fans? me personally, i don't want other people to think that 2NE1 fans are people who bash other bands. and yeah, no one will know you, but they DO know that you're a 2NE1 fan since you're on a 2NE1 based forum, and bashing them is not allowed.

    Please take this into consideration, i just think this is not a good idea. Please don't judge me or anything, I'm just stating my opinion.

  2. Seraphiel on July 27, 2009 at 1:50 PM

    hi brittney
    yes we have thought about this believe me.
    This is not about 2ne1 fans bashing on others.
    its being an individual who can express what they want to say freely without any other people telling them what not to say.

    you see, when you mentioned "but they DO know that you're a 2NE1 fan since you're on a 2NE1 based forum, and bashing them is not allowed."
    does that mean that just because i like 2ne1 i cant say what i want anymore?!

    This forum is to free people's minds.
    A free mind, will cause less frustration and anger in the future.
    The forum is a free place where people can say what they want to say.
    If they got nothing to say, well then they dont. simple as that.

    The more one is gagged up because of the rules other people put, the more frustrated one gets.
    When one is frustrated, one gets angry. Then one, will burst someday.

    afaik, the forum is doing great at the moment! met new people, discussed a few things,
    whined about life & released some stress!

    i also notice, people in the forums even respect each other more. It feels more real than fake.

    Hey, you dont have to join if you dont want to.
    Were only encouraging people who WANTS to join to have a nice laugh and meet other people.

  3. bRI-ttney on July 27, 2009 at 6:19 PM

    alright, i guess that makes sense :) i just hope you guys won't hate me for not supporting it. i would very much still like to continue posting at this blog!



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