[me2day] me2day updates!

by Seraphiel | 8:25 AM in , |

Dara: 우리 숙소에 차곡차곡 쌓여가는 이쁜 물건들~^.^ 데뷔 두달만에 받은귀한 상들과 귀여운 인형들~! 우리랑똑같이 생겼어요!ㅋ아직은 허전하지만 앞으로 이것저것마니 채워나갈거에요!^.^

Translation: our beatiful present stacks are going up~^^ the awards and dolls we've got after 2 months since we debuted~! they look like just as we do. It is not that many of them but we'll get more and more!^.^

- well now Dara can add the Mnet M!countdown trophy up there!! :)

Dara: 우리는 오늘도 노래연습중~! 항상 우리끼리만 부르고.. 꼭 이 모든노래들을 무대에서 함게 즐길수있기를바래용~!^.^ 그래서 콘서트하고싶어용! 꺅!
Translation: Our singing practice never stop! We always do this together. I hope we can enjoy these all song that we pactice everyday!so i want to have a concert some day! yu hu~!

CL: 씨에루가 왕 좋아하는 사탕!
Translation: the candy is CL's favorite!

Minji: 너무 잘만드셔서 장식해놨어용ㅋ
Translation: she made it so pretty so i added something for it to look more good !

Bom: 울언니가 숙소까지와서 선물한 사탕들ㅋㅋ 이쁘죠?? 고마워언니~~^^
Translation: my sister came to our place to give me these beautiful candies. lol big thanks to my sister!

Credit: me2day + shaun roh + together2ne1



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